NX West Midlands Hero

Under 18 & Term Plus

Unlimited bus travel to school or college

18 & under tickets

Unlimited travel for anyone aged from 5-18* on all bus operators within the nBus zone and on all National Express buses. 16-18 year olds will need to have a valid 16-18 photocard.

Choose from a Monthly Subscription, Term Plus, 4 week or 1 week ticket to get you to school, college or to a work placement. You can use your ticket at any time including evenings, weekends & school holidays. 

Unlimited travel for anyone aged from 5-18*

On all bus operators within the nBus zone and on all National Express buses.


Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit

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Monthly Direct Debit

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1 week

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

1 week

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4 week

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4 week

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1 term

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1 term

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NX Outer Zones

Outer Zone tickets for any National Express bus service that travels to, from or between locations outside the nBus zone. Click here for a map of the NX Outer Zones. 

Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit

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Monthly Direct Debit

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1 week

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1 week

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4 week

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4 week

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1 term

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1 term

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Bus & metro - travel on bus and Metro tram

Unlimited travel on all National Express buses and any other bus operator that is part of the nBus scheme, within the West Midlands nBus zone, and the West Midlands Metro tram.

Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit

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Monthly Direct Debit

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1 week bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

1 week bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




4 week bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

4 week bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




1 term

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1 term

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Unlimited travel on all National Express buses and the West Midlands Metro tram in the West Midlands area. 

Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit

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Monthly Direct Debit

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1 week NX bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

1 week NX bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




4 week NX bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

4 week NX bus + Metro

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




1 term

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1 term

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nNetwork - travel on bus, rail and Metro tram

Unlimited travel on all National Express buses, any other operator part of the nBus scheme within the West Midlands nBus zone, the West Midlands Metro tram and train travel within zones 1 to 5.

Zones 1 to 5

Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit

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Monthly Direct Debit

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1 week

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

1 week

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




4 week

Buy online or from a Payzone agent

4 week

Buy online or from a Payzone agent




1 term

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1 term

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16-18 photocards

If you are aged 16-18, you may be entitled to child rate travel with a valid 16-18 card.

16-18 photocards can be used to buy child rate tickets. 

To qualify your household must pay Council Tax to one of the following boroughs - Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, Wolverhampton or Coventry council. 

Find out more and apply for a 16-18 photocard

Helpful information

  • If you are aged 16-18 when you buy a pass online, we will automatically send it to you loaded onto a 16-18 photocard.

  • Term dates:
    Term 1: 09/08/2024 - 31/12/2024
    Term 2: 20/12/2024 - 18/04/2025
    Term 3: 11/04/2025 - 08/08/2025
  • *You must be under 18 on the 1st September to be eligible for the 16-18 card

  • If you top up your Swift card at a Payzone agent you will need to have a 16-18* card first. Please apply for your 16-18 photocard here.

  • Term plus bus passes are valid on all bus operators within the nBus zone and on all National Express buses in the West Midlands zone.

For any other help please visit our FAQ's section.

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