NX West Midlands Hero

A vintage 90th birthday surprise for Pauline

Published: 1st June 2020


A vintage 90th birthday surprise for Pauline

A 90-year-old Birmingham lady got a surprise “flypast” from a vintage bus at her lockdown birthday party. Pauline Mason has lived at the terminus of the number 7 and number 65 bus routes in Perry Common for 65 years. Over the years, thousands of bus drivers must have waved to Pauline while waiting time on her street before turning round to do their return journey back into Birmingham city centre.

Pauline turned 90 over the late May bank holiday weekend. Her daughter, Jane Mason, had organised a proper celebration for her mum’s landmark birthday. But when the coronavirus pandemic hit, she had to cancel most of the planned festivities. So to make the day special while keeping to the lockdown rules, Jane created a socially distanced celebration, with her mum sitting in the front garden so people could “visit” while keeping their distance. She wrote to us asking whether the drivers on the 7 and the 65 could give Pauline “an extra-special wave” that day. “You are only 90 once!” she said. Service delivery officer Tony Hunter heard about this request and remembered some photos of an old Birmingham Corporation bus at the terminus by Pauline’s house back in the 1960s. We still have one of these 1954 double deckers - and it still works. As one of the few people qualified to drive the bus, Tony offered to take it to Pauline’s street for the birthday party.

Jane was over the moon: “I nearly cried when National Express called to say did we want the vintage bus to come to Mom’s party. I wanted so much to make her birthday special despite the lockdown, and this was even more than I’d hoped for.” Pauline was delighted when the iconic navy and cream Birmingham bus turned up outside her house during her birthday party. National Express’ Tony was only supposed to drive it there and have it “pose” for some photos, but when Pauline asked if she could ride in the back for a little trip round the block, what could he say? You’re only 90 once!

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