NX West Midlands Hero

Safety success for National Express 

Published: 24th February 2021

We are celebrating recognition for our continued commitment to safety

Not only known as the region's largest bus operator, we have also been awarded a top five-star result from the British Safety Council - for the fifth year running.

Organisations from over 77 countries across the world put themselves forward for a gruelling Health & Safety Audit by an external assessor. The challenging tests go beyond legal health and safety minimum requirements to judge companies on absolute best practice in safety culture, leadership and wellbeing. 

A company must score 92% and above to get five stars, and our achievement resulted in an impressive 96.14%.

The report identified ‘a very high standard of occupational health and safety management across the organisation, excellent and compliant systems in place for the management of significant hazards and a good health and safety culture’.  

Cleaning buses during COVID

Mark Heffernan, our UK Operations & Safety Director, said: “The safety of our passengers, employees and the general public is our number one priority and we set ourselves high standards to work to.

“To once again be externally recognised for our efforts in this area is a testament to our commitment and the effort of every individual at National Express West Midlands. We believe everyone is responsible for safety which is key to us keeping such high standards.”

David Parr, Policy and Technical Services Director at the British Safety Council, said: “The award of a five-star grading following our occupational best practice Health and Safety Audit is an outstanding achievement and is reflective of a proactive organisation which is committed to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and welfare.”

“National Express should be very proud of this achievement.“

In addition to the achievement above, we have also been granted continued ISO 45001:2018 certification - an international standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system.

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